5 plastic free Easter eggs for an eco-friendly Easter

I recently read an article on TreeHugger by Katherine Martinko titled “let's not turn Easter into the new Christmas”. Here at Ecojam we couldn't agree more. We don't want to celebrate Easter surrounded by a load of new stuff and a bin full of waste. But we are looking forward to a good excuse to eat chocolate for breakfast! So we have compiled a list of our top 5 Easter eggs.
 All of the eggs in the list come without plastic packaging but we have also paid close attention to their organic and ethical credentials.

1) Montezuma's Eco Organic Easter Egg The eco egg award winning packaging is innovative eco-packaging. It is made of just two parts, a sturdy biodegrable paper outer shell/sleeve and foil wrapping. They sell a range of flavours and they are currently offering a FREE Gift for Easter. A Milk Chocolate Peanut Butter Mini Egg Sample Bag with all orders over £35.

2) The Real Easter Egg Hunt Box Each Real Easter Egg cardboard box contains an Easter story book with activity pages plus one gold and five blue foiled Belgian fair trade chocolate hollow midi eggs. The chocolate is certified fair trade. If you are looking for something with a message about the real meaning of Easter then this is the choice for you.

 3) Booja Booja Truffle Easter Eggs Booja Booja eggs are intricately decorated egg shaped trinket boxes, filled with truffles. Each handmade, handpainted box is created by Kashmiri artisans, and by working with Booja Booja, they have gained a sustainable income and a more stable lifestyle. The box is designed to be kept and treasured. It's a more eco-friendly way of packaging, with none of the wastage often associated with Easter treats. The truffles are organic, vegan, dairy free, wheat free, gluten free and made without any genetically modified ingredients.

 4) Plamil Organic Fairtrade Alternative to Milk Chocolate Easter Eggs Plamil's Easter Eggs are made of vegan milky chocolate without milk, gluten or nuts and come in boxes without any plastic packaging.

 5) The M&S Easter Egg Gift Box The Easter egg shaped rigid box contains hide and seek hollow milk chocolate egss and solid milk chocolate eggs. Perfect for an egg hunt. Happy Easter everyone and enjoy your guilt-free chocolate eating! If your favourite egg is not on the list please get in touch on Facebook or Twitter to let us know.

Source at http://www.ecojam.org/news/5-plastic-free-easter-eggs-eco-friendly-easter
